your slow hung-over... in a night out in the neighborhood.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

not-so-diligent environment

Mid-Finals Post

Take a peek at my exam-mode view during the first two days of exams. It is one of those days where I chose to be early and break-free from the primary noise in the cafeteria. It is when you start the initial noise and see people get in. It is when you cannot contain sound diversity; when you decide to actual evacuate the place for the tumultuous decibels because of those who claim they are studying but rather noisily. The idea of getting into the library is what you think is the best option.

My important items for studying (see picture above):
#1) I never study with an empty stomach. My remedy: Tim Hortons Fruit Explosion.
#2) My Pilot G-Tech .4 pens. I have a red-inked & black-inked (above), and violet-inked (below). My christmas gift from my uncle is 10 Pilot G-Tech .4 refills from Philippines. I can't wait to fill-in my almost empty black pen.
#3) Neon Highlighter. I only use yellow ones since it catches my eyes more. (Sometimes, pink comes helpful if there are more than five important words.)
#4) Pencils. One of the most important elementary tools.
#5) Dictionary. This is arbitrary on the subject you are studying.
#6) Course/Subject Binder. The actual hand-out or study material is the most important thing or else you're doomed.

For study breaks (see picture below):
#7) A pack of Marlboro. It comes in handy and has many uses. According to BryanBoy, it relieves chronic boredom.
#8) Lighter. Or else, the cigarette pack becomes useless.
#9) New Scientist Magazine. Or any other interesting glossies.
#10) The Daily Gleaner. For Local & National News.

and updates...

I'm in the middle of an absolute exam mayhem. I already took five exams and I have three exams more. It isn't actually a big relief. I still feel the uberheavy weight on my shoulder and I just wanted to get over these extremely hypertonic finals. Everytime I finish an exam, I feel completely drained and don't have enough glucose to make myself walk and get energy-quenchers.

I have Calculus on Friday which I decided to stay the whole day at Math Help Center tomorrow and to know all the needed concepts. Since in the first place, I forgot to attend the review session given by Math Help Center today because I was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. (Yeah, I just had the chance to read it now and finish it in a day.) I just hate myself for the momentary oblivion by just reading the book and missing the most important review in this whole concept of final exams.

As you can see, I wrote an entry about how I wish I wasn't in the course, or if you put it bluntly, I'm hating the course for not having to pass a single assignment. By actually missing this subject's whole review session, it just totally sucks! It obliterated me realising that I enjoyed myself too much forgetting the most important event of my entire career as a Calculus student. I feel that I've been missing a lot right now. I've been a blank too much that I don't know where to start filling in.

I just hope I can derive something beneficial for wasting my time with an HP book. Geek!

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